Road Traffic Accidents: 5 To Do's

Road Traffic Accidents: 5 To Do's



If you or someone in your family has had a road traffic accident, seek legal advice. Here are five, easy-to-remember steps that you must do if you’ve been involved in a car accident. It is based on our extensive experience of personal injury and car accidents. Talk to Tallans today, delaying is not an option.

Step 1 – Call the Gardai

Reporting the incident or accident is essential. This will be used as evidence. 

Step 2 – Preserve Evidence

The more evidence you have the better. Take photos from lots of different angles – from a distance and up close, from the left side and from the right side, back and front. Take notes about the weather, the condition of the road, see if there are any CCTV cameras around and note the shops or road locations. 

Step 3 – Take Notes

Get  the name, address, mobile number, email address & insurance company of the other party.  Take the names and personal details such as addresses, phone numbers and email addresses of witnesses. Take notes about the weather, the condition of the road, see if there are any CCTV cameras around and note the shops or road locations. 

Step 4 – Get Medical Help

Even if you feel fine, go to a doctor & get a professional opinion. A medical report will be needed. If injuries are severe or there is any doubt, call an ambulance at the scene. 

Step 5 – Seek Legal Advice

When you’ve been involved in a road traffic accident, you may be entitled to compensation. The sooner you seek advice, the better. If you decide to bring a case, it can be organised quickly from the outset and any issues identified. Your claim must be brought within 2 years.

Talk to Tallans today or request a call back. 

Talk to Tallans Today

If you’ve been injured and it wasn’t your fault. 

*in contentious business, a solicitor may not calculate fees or other charges as a percentage or proportion of any award or settlement.