Stress & Bullying Claim


Stress & Bullying Claim Solicitors – Drogheda, Ashbourne & Dublin

The law is there to support you. If you had an accident that wasn’t your fault, you may seek compensation.

We’re here to help. Call us today on Drogheda : 041 983 8708 Ashbourne : 01 835 2027

What are Stress & Bullying Claims?

Employees who are suffering from stress in their workplace or indeed bullying in the workplace who are contemplating making a claim for personal injuries against their employer should bring the conduct complained of to their employer’s attention as soon as ever possible. The reason for bringing such a complaint to the employer’s attention at an early stage is to demonstrate later on that the injury could have been prevented because of the employer’s knowledge of the complaint. By bringing the bullying and stress to the attention of the employer as soon as possible, employees can show that any future injury that they may suffer as a result of the bullying and stress could and should have been anticipated by their employers.

What type of injuries can you claim for?

An employee must have been diagnosed with a recognised psychiatric illness in order to bring such a claim. A recognised psychiatric illness can include depression, an adjustment disorder and many other disorders which can go undiagnosed for a good deal of time until properly assessed by a Psychiatrist. The Claimant must prove that the personal injury arising from the stress and bullying in the workplace was reasonably foreseeable by the employer. Therefore by informing the employer at an early stage of the stress and/or workplace bullying, it would be difficult for an employer to defend the case on the basis that they had no knowledge of the bullying later on during the course of the proceedings. The personal injury arising from bullying and stress in the workplace must have been caused in the workplace. If it is found that the personal injury suffered is not related to the workplace, the employer could not be held fully liable for the injuries. If all of the above conditions are met an employee should be entitled to recover compensation for any personal injuries arising from work related stress and/or bullying in the workplace.

Factory Accident*

Construction Site Accident*

Farm Accidents*

Stress & Bullying Claim*

We Look After Your Case

Tallans Solicitors LLP and Tallans Solicitors (Ashbourne) LLP are two of the North East’s largest law firms with offices in both Drogheda and Ashbourne while serving clients nationwide. With us, you’ll get jargon-free legal advice that you can depend on. Our solicitors are experts in their specific areas of practice, ensuring that you, our client, gets the best possible legal advice and personal attention. Established in 1899, trust Tallans to do the best for you, whatever legal issues you may face. Talk to Tallans today.

Who is liable?

Regardless of the type of injury at work*, it is important to maintain whether the work environment (system of work) was unfit or hazardous, even in the case of human error. Ascertaining the details of how the accident occurred is very important for an accident at work claim*. In a lot of cases, the employee who suffered the injury may be entitled to pursue legal action.

What is the claims process?

Once you have gathered all the relevant information in relation to your injury it is then time to move forward with your claim. It is important to use a specialist workplace accident solicitor to help you with this.

1. Prepare information for a solicitor
When you decide you want to move forward with your workplace accident claim it is important to have all the relevant information to hand when contacting a solicitor. Important information to have on hand at this point is:

  • Date of the accident
  • Location of the accident
  • Details of who/what caused the accident
  • If any emergency services attended the scene, and their details
  • Specifics of what happened
  • Who did you report the accident to?
  • Is there CCTV that may have captured the accident?
  • Details of your injuries
  • Details of hospital or GP attended
  • Any pictures you may have taken of the scene of the accident and/or your injuries
  • Details of any witnesses
2. Solicitor becomes your trusted advisor
Solicitors are aware of the workplace accident claim process and can avoid any legal bumps in the road you might encounter if you did this process yourself. It is their job to be your trusted advisor on all legal matters throughout your case.
3. Solicitor obtains a medical report
One of the most important documents in your case is a medical report. Your solicitor will ask for your doctor’s or hospital details so they can obtain a report on your injuries.
4. Solicitor prepares the Personal Injuries Assessment Board application
As soon as your solicitor has gathered all the information, your workplace accident claim will be submitted to the Personal Injuries Assessment Board for assessment. Your solicitor will do this for you. The Injuries Board will send you for an independent medical report and will assess what it believes to be the value of your loss. At this stage, with the advice, you have a choice to accept the Injuries Board assessment or reject it and move the next step. At this point one of two scenarios will unfold: a. If both you and your employer accept the Injuries Board assessment, your case is settled and the person at fault will be ordered to pay settlement to you. b. If either you or your employer reject the Injuries Board assessment, then you move to the next stage and your solicitor will issue legal proceedings.
5. Possible case outcomes
Before you start to concern yourself with court and everything that comes with it, it’s important to understand that only a very small percentage of cases actually make it to a courtroom. Settlement meetings will be arranged where a settlement can be negotiated. Most cases are settled at this point without ever having to step foot into a courtroom and remember it’s your solicitor’s job to be with you every step of the way, right beside you to ensure that your best interests are met at all stages. Your solicitor is to be your trusted advisor throughout the process and to let you focus on your recovery, as they focus on settling your case.

What are the Legal Time Limits?

Formally known as the Statute of Limitations, the legal time limit for a personal injury claim is usually two years less one day after the date of knowledge of the injury. In many cases, the date of knowledge will be the date the accident occurred. In some cases, a person may not realise their injury until some time after the accident and in such cases, the clock starts from that date. For children who have suffered an injury, the process works a little differently. A minor cannot bring a claim forward themselves. On their 18th birthday, the clock starts at their two year time limit to make their claim. Alternatively, a parent or legal guardian can bring the claim forward on behalf of the child immediately after the accident. This is generally a more favourable option. As making the claim sooner rather than later means that it is easier to source reliable evidence to strengthen the child’s case. Important to note is that once the application to the Injuries Board is submitted, the clock stops on the two year time limit while they assess the claim.

Talk To Tallans Today

We use our expert knowledge and 130 year’s experience to give you the voice you need. We use non-legal language and provide practical and impartial advice through every stage of the process!

Sheila Cooney
Managing Partner

Why Choose Tallans?

Tallans Solicitors LLP & Tallans Solicitors (Ashbourne) LLP have over 100 years of experience in looking after the Personal Injury needs of our clients. Our Personal Injury team of solicitors, legal executives and secretarial support are here to ensure your transaction completes as efficiently and easily as possible. We will provide you with a quotation of the costs involved upfront and will always discuss any additional outlay with you in advance.

  • Fast, friendly and reliable service
  • Dedicated Personal Injury staff
  • Experience on your doorstep
  • Convenient parking available

Our Testimonials

Want to know what it’s like to work with Tallans Solicitors LLP & Tallans Solicitors (Ashbourne) LLP? The best way to find out is to see what past clients have said.

Sheila & Orla I cannot ever thank you enough for the support that you have shown throughout. Any questions I had were answered honestly and any advice was always in my best interest. Although I was struggling through the physical and emotional side of my injuries I never once had to worry about my case because I knew you had it covered. If anyone out there is looking for an amazing legal team to look after them I cannot recommend Tallans Solicitors LLP highly enough.

I was extremely happy with the outcome of my case. I didn’t know what personal injury was until I slipped and fell. Thankfully Tallans were able to explain things to me in a way that I could understand. I have no hesitation in recommending Tallans to anyone for any personal injury claims.

From day one, Tallans Solicitors LLP were transparent, clear and supportive regarding my case. They had a personable yet highly professional way in which they presented themselves. From day one, they were on my side. I will now go to them for all legal advice in the future and recommend everyone to seek advice and services from Tallans in Drogheda.

About Tallans Solicitors LLP & Tallans Solicitors (Ashbourne) LLP

We draw on more than 130 years of experience in personal injury law to provide you with expert advice and legal services.

We’re here to help you with your claim, and will work with you to ensure you understand every step of your legal journey.

Contact Us

Our friendly and experienced team are waiting to answer your call. Lines are open Monday to Friday, from 9 am to 5.30 pm on 041 983 8708 (Drogheda) and 01 835 2027 (Ashbourne) or you can fill out our contact form and we’ll call you back.

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